19 06, 2017

The three correct steps to hiring the best architect

By | June 19th, 2017|Blog|

Why you should get a Needs and Options Review before you hire an architect This post follows from my explanation of the Needs and Options Review here. The idea is that all clients at the inception stage of a project need to develop a realistic budget before you proceed to hire a professional. It avoids the [...]

6 06, 2017

Cork Architectural Association Call for Entries 2017

By | June 6th, 2017|Blog, News|

Cork Architectural Association Call for Entries 2017 Please see information below from the Cork Architectural Association with regards to their 2017 Exhibition: The Cork Architectural Association wish to invite Cork based architects to submit a project for our annual architecture exhibition. The 2017 exhibition which is titled “L’Architecture Quotidienne” will be hosted in the foyer of [...]

20 01, 2017

1896 Mill Office conversion project about to go to tender

By | January 20th, 2017|Blog, News|

Cork office conversion project goes to tender Following a successful Fire Certificate, Disability Access Certificate and planning application approvals obtained by this office, we are about to tender this exciting project. A conversion of an 1896 mill into a modern headquarters office for O.R.M. Ltd (Cash and Carry Kitchens). Following a Commercial Needs and Options [...]

13 12, 2016

Cork Architectural Association 2016 exhibition Booklet

By | December 13th, 2016|Blog, News|

Cork Architectural Association 2016 exhibition Booklet As a founding member of the Cork Architectural Association, The PassivHaus Architecture Company is delighted to report two of our projects were successful in being selected by the independent jury for exhibition in the 2016 CAA inaugural annual exhibition of Cork Architect in Cork City Hall. The exhibition was launched [...]

8 11, 2016

Cork Architecture practice granted permission for 1894 Mill office conversion

By | November 8th, 2016|Blog, News|

passive office design south elevation Cork Architecture practice granted permission for new low energy office building in 2017 for 1894 Mill office conversion! Cork Architecture News; This CastleMartyr, Co. Cork building is named St. Joseph’s Mill and was constructed in 1896 according to the foundation stone mounted on the eastern elevation. It was [...]

25 10, 2016

Passive House Association Briefing in Cork Institute of Technology

By | October 25th, 2016|Blog, News|

Passive House Association Briefing in Cork Institute of Technology The southern Chapter of PHAI are pleased to announce the next Passive House briefing, looking at the implementation of several projects in the region. On 10th November, we will welcome you to C.I.T. and give you first hand expertise on current and recently completed PH projects, [...]