What services do I need if I want to carry out a commercial fit-out?

We recently prepared a fee proposal for a client who is opening a chain of family pizza restaurants in Cork. I took the time to prepare a detailed schedule of services specific to their project.

Whilst they were aware that they would require Fire Safety Certificate and Disability Access Certificate applications, the services required would include;

– design of the fit-out including tender package, Design Certification for compliance with the Building Regulations

– Fire Safety Certificate and Disability Access Certificate applications

– administration of the building fit-out contract including Assigned Certification for compliance with the Building Regulations

– Project Supervisor Design Process, ie reduction of risks and a preliminary Safety and Health Plan


Those are separate appointments and carry separate fees. I provided the below schedule of proposed services, colour coded, with the overall proposed fee allotted against each workstage, and sometimes broken down further.

If you would like a commercial fitout, call me on 021 2429455

work stage Appointment service
  Standard Services
    •Obtain Client/Architect Agreement for Professional Services and complete appointment
    •Receive and receipt for retaining fee
1 Inception & General Services Architect •Take client’ s instructions.
    •Obtain information about the site from the client.
    •Visit the site and carry out an initial appraisal.
    •Provide general advice on the need to obtain Planning Permission, comply with Building Regulations and with other statutory requirements.
    •Advise client on the need to appoint a Design Certifier and an Assigned Certifier under the Building Control Act.
    •Advise client on legislation requirements, such as the Building Control Act; Protected Structures; Energy Performance Building of Building Directive (EPBD); Disability Access Certificates, and retrospective Fire Safety Certificates where additional services may occur.
    Additional Services
    1. Assist the client in preparation of client’s requirements.
    2. Advise the client on methods of procuring construction.
    3 Advise on the need for specialist contractors and suppliers to design and execute the parts of the works . 4 Assess the competence of proposed design team and other consultants.
    5 Carry out such studies as may be necessary to determine the feasibility of the Client’s requirements.
    6 Review with Client alternative design and construction approaches and cost implications.
    7 Develop the client’s requirements.
    8 Advise on environmental impact.
    9 Advise on the selection and suitability of sites.
    10 Negotiate in relation to sites or buildings.
    11 Negotiate with regard to rights of light or rights of support and party walls.
    12 Works to protected structures.
    13 Any other service required in connection with a building project which is not listed above.
  Design Certifier Implied appointment under the Building Control (Amendments) Regulations 2014
  PSDP Sign a formal agreement for the provision of Project Supervisor Design Process with the client
    Assist client in issuing AF1 form to Health and Safety Authority
2 Outline Proposals Architect Standard Services
    •Take client’s instructions.
    •Analyse the Client’s requirements; prepare outline proposal on client’s further instructions.
    •Provide information to discuss proposals with and incorporate input of other consultants (where appropriate).
    •Provide information to other consultants for the preparation of an approximation of construction cost (where appropriate):
    – Prepare an approximation of construction cost.
    Additional Services
    1. Prepare additional proposals, where appropriate.
    2. Propose a procedure for cost planning reporting and control.
    3. Provide information to others for cost planning and control.
    – Operate the procedure for cost planning and control throughout the project.
    4 . Prepare and keep updated a client’s cash flow programme for the project.
    5.Prepare special presentation drawings, brochures, models or technical information for use of the client or other.
    6. Carry out negotiations with tenants or others nominated by the client.
    7.Carry out surveys of sites or buildings, structural surveys, soil investigations, condition surveys and other similar investigations.
    8.Prepare development plans for a large building complex or prepare layout of an area greater than which is to be developed immediately.
    9. Provide services in connection with demolition works.
  Design Certifier  
  PSDP Take account of any relevant safety file which may have been prepared in respect of the building
    Take account of Health and Safety when estimating time schedules for the project
    Take account of the General Principles of Prevention as designed in Schedule 3 of the Act 2005
    Issue directions to designers or contractors or others, if appropriate or necessary
3 Scheme Design Architect Standard Services
    •Take client’s instructions.
    •Develop scheme design from approved outline proposals, on client’s further instructions indicating architect’s interpretation of client’s instructions but not in detail adequate to enable quantities to be prepared or tenders obtained.
    •Provide information to other consultants for the preparation of cost estimate (where appropriate).
    •Prepare preliminary timetable for construction.
    •Consult with planning authorities.
    •Consult with fire authority.
    •Consult with environmental authorities.
    •Prepare an application for planning permission
    Additional Services
    1. Consult with licensing authorities.
    2. Consult with statutory undertakers.
    3.Consult with tenants or others nominated by the client.
    4.Conduct exceptional negotiations with planning authorities.
    5.Prepare multiple applications for planning permission.
    6.Make revisions to scheme design to deal with requirements of planning authorities.
    7.Revise planning application.
    8.Carry out special constructional research for the project including design of prototypes, mock-ups or models, etc. 9.Prepare, submit and conduct Statutory Appeals.
    10.Provide financial advisory services, including outline cost plans, prepare schedules of rates or schedules of quantities, replacement cost and surveys and information relating to grant applications.
    11.Preparation of additional documentation for planning applications and/or heritage assessment reports in
    respect of protected structures and/or monuments protected by legislation. 12.Disability Access Certificate.
    13.Retrospective Fire Safety Certificate.
  Design Certifier Review the scheme as designed for compliance with the Building regulations
    •Consult with Assigned Certifier
  PSDP Co-ordinate the work of other persons engaged in work related to the design of the project at design stage where required
    Identify hazards arising from the design or from the technical, organisational, planning, or the time-related aspects of the project
    Where possible, eliminate the hazards or reduce the risk
    Ensure that the work of the designers is co-ordinated to ensure safety
    Organise co-operation between the designers
    Issue directions to designers or contractors or others, if appropriate or necessary
4 Detail Design I Building Regulations Architect Standard Services
    •Take client’s instructions.
    •Develop detail design from approved scheme design, on client’s further instructions.
    •Consult with Building Control Authority.
    •Provide information to, discuss proposals with, and incorporate input of other consultants into detail design (where appropriate).
    •Provide information to other consultants for the preparation of cost estimate (where appropriate)
    •Prepare and lodge Fire Safety Certificate application
    •Prepare and lodge Disability Access Certificate application
    Lodge Commencement Notice under Building Regulations ( for developments where Article 9 (1)(b) of the Building Regulations 1997-2009 does not apply)
    Additional Services
    1. Agree form of building contract and explain the client’s obligations thereunder.
    2. Conduct exceptional negotiations for approvals by statutory authorities.
    3. Lodge appeal for dispensations under Building Regulations.
    4. Carry out special construction/architectural research in connection with detail design, construction or testing of prototype buildings and models.
    5. Provide special acoustic services.
    6. Carry out amendments, revisions or alterations to approved scheme design on client’s instructions.
  Design Certifier Review the scheme as designed for compliance with the Building regulations
    •Prepare documentation to indicate general compliance of design with Building Regulations and other statutory requirements.
    •Provide information to Assigned Certifier for inclusion in Preliminary Inspection Plan on proposed inspection necessary to provide Ancillary Certificate on completion,
    •Advise client on the need to engage suitable consultants, builder, specialists, sub-contractors and suppliers to act as Ancillary Certifiers under the Building Control Regulations.
  PSDP Issue directions to designers or contractors or others, if appropriate or necessary
Work Stage 5: Production Information Architect Standard Services
    •Take client’s instructions.
    •Prepare production drawings from approved detail design on client’s further instructions.
    •Prepare specification.
    •Provide information for the preparation of bills of quantity and/or schedules of works (where appropriate) (a) Prepare schedule of works for tender purposes (where appropriate).
    •Provide information to discuss proposals with and incorporate input of other consultants into production information (where appropriate).
    •Co-ordinate production information.
    •Provide information to other consultants for their revision of cost estimate (where appropriate).
    •Review timetable for construction.
    Additional Services
    1.Prepare other production information.
    2.Submit plans for proposed building works for approval of landlords, financial institutions, free-holders, tenants or others as requested by the client.
    3.Provide interior design services.
    4.Provide room data sheets for buildings other than Class 3 buildings.
    5.Advise on commissioning or selection of works of art.
    6.Carry out amendments, revisions or alterations to detail design or production information on client’s instructions. 7.Provide space planning services.
    8.Provide services in connection with data communication installations.
  Design Certifier Review the scheme as designed for compliance with the Building regulations
    •Prepare an appropriate inspection plan and provide this to the Assigned Certifier for inclusion in the Inspection Plan (where applicable)
    •Obtain the proposed Assign Certifiers agreement that the proposed means of compliance as detailed in the tender documents are satisfactory and will not result in design changes when implemented on site, before the Assigned Certifier is appointed by the client.
  PSDP For projects which require a Safety and Health Plan prepare, on a preliminary basis, a Safety and Health Plan for the purpose of providing information for the Project Supervisor Construction Stage
    Take account of the Health and Safety Plan prepared for the project if such has been prepared previously and is available
    Provide the Project Supervisor Construction Stage with any available information that needs to be included in the Safety File
    Communicate necessary control measure, design assumptions, or remaining risks to the PSCS so they can be dealt with in the Safety and Health Plan
    Prepare a written safety and health plan for any project where construction will take more than 500 person days or 30 working days of there is Particular Risk and deliver it to the client prior to tender
    Issue directions to designers or contractors or others, if appropriate or necessary
  Assigned Certifier Confirm the client that the proposed means of compliance as detailed in the tender documents are satisfactory and will not result in design changes when implemented on site, before appointment by the client.
    Sign a formal agreement for the provision of Assigned Certifier with the client
Work Stage 6: Tender Action Architect Standard Services
    Take client’s instructions. Advise on and obtain the client’s approval to a list of tenderers for the building contract. Invite tenders. Appraise and report on tenders with other consultants. Report on tenders to client. Negotiate a price with a contractor.
    Additional Services
    1.Assist other consultants in negotiating with a tenderer.
    2.Assist other consultants in negotiating a price with a contractor.
    3.Select a contractor by other means.
    4.Revise production information to adjust tender sum.
    5.Arrange for separate contracts to be let prior to the main building contract, where appropriate
    Advise client of obligations to lodge Notices of Assignment of Design Certifier, Assigned Certifier, Builder
  Design Certifier Review any changes to the scheme as designed for compliance with the Building regulations
    Lodge Design Certificate, Form of Certificate of Compliance (Design)
  PSDP Issue directions to designers or contractors or others, if appropriate or necessary
Work Stage 7: Project Planning Architect Standard Services
    •Take client’s instructions.
    •Advise client on the appointment of the contractor and on the responsibilities of the parties and the architect under the building contract.
    •Prepare the building contract and arrange for it to be signed.
    •Monitor production of Bonds and Collateral agreements.
    Additional Services
    1. Provide services in connection with demolitions.
    2. Arrange for other contracts to be let subsequent to the commencement of the building contract.
    3. Carry out amendments, revisions or alterations to production design on client’s instructions.
  Design Certifier Review any changes to the scheme as designed for compliance with the Building regulations
    •Issue to the Assigned Certifier an inspection notification framework for inclusion in the Inspection Notification Framework. Liaise with the Assigned Certifier, Builder and design team in this regard.
    •Prepare drawings and documentation to show compliance of design with Building Regulations. Schedule and obtain Ancillary Certificates from other consultants. Issue a Certificate of Compliance (Design) for lodging with the Commencement Notice. Co-ordinate, compile and schedule the plans, calculations specifications and particulars that are to be included on the schedule to be lodged at commencement and to which the Design Certificate relates. Provide this documentation to the Assigned Certifier.
  Assigned Certifier Prepare the Preliminary Inspection Plan and oversee adherence to this plan and on completion provide the Inspection Plan as implemented
    Identify all design professionals and specialists, in conjunction with the Builder, from whom certificates are required
    Identify all certificates required and obtain them
    Lodge Undertaking by Assigned Certifier form of Certificate of Compliance
    Agree with client and contractor the Inspection Notification Framework (INF)
  PSDP Issue directions to designers or contractors or others, if appropriate or necessary
    Assist client in issuing AF2 form to Health and Safety Authority
Work Stage 8: Operations on Site and Completion Architect Standard Services
    •Take client’s instructions.
    •Administer the terms of the building contract.
    •Conduct meetings with the contractor to review progress.
    •Provide production Information as required by the building contract.
    •Provide information to other consultants for the preparation of financial reports to the client (where appropriate).
    •Inspect the works in accordance with the inspection plan, Inspection Notification Framework (INF) and contract documents. Report on this to the Assigned Certifier. At appropriate stages or intervals provide to the Assigned Certifier all ancillary certificates or test results which you have obtained. Advise the Assigned Certifier of any proposed amendments to your inspection plan during the course of the work.
    •Provide the Assigned Certifier with an Ancillary Certificate of Compliance on Completion.
    •On completion or when requested provide the Assigned Certifier with your plans, calculations, specifications and particulars to show compliance with Building Regulations.
    •Provide Architects Opinion on Compliance with Planning Permission and Building Regulations, (where applicable) in respect of the completed building.
    Additional Services
    1. Provide as-built drawings showing the building and the main lines of drainage.
    2. Give general advice on maintenance.
    3. Provide site staff for frequent or constant inspection of the works.
    4. Administer terms of other contracts.
    5. Provide specially prepared drawings of a building as built.
    6. Prepare drawings for conveyancing purposes.
    7. Compile maintenance and operational manuals.
    8. Incorporate information prepared by others in maintenance manuals.
    9. Prepare a programme for the maintenance of a building.
    10. Arrange maintenance contracts.
    11. Provide services for direct labour contracts.
    12. Act as coordinator in connection with separate trades where more than one contractor is employed.
    13. Negotiate delay/disruption claims on a contract.
    14. Carry out amendments, revisions or alterations to production/tender information on client’s instructions.
    15. Assist in the preparation of co-lateral agreements
    16. Site inspections additional to those in the inspection plan. Amendments to inspection plan.
    17. Additional work where design team, certifiers, builder or others do not comply with Building Regulations, inspection plan or assigned certifiers requirements.
    18. Attendance or advice on disputes between design team, builder, Building Control and Assigned Certifier.
  Design Certifier Review any changes to the scheme as designed for compliance with the Building regulations
  Assigned Certifier Be the single point of contact with the Building Control Authority during construction
    Co-ordinate the ancillary certification by members of the design team and other relevant bodies for the Certificate of Compliance on Completion
    In consultation with members of the design team, plan and oversee the implementation of the Inspection Plan during Construction
    Co-ordinate and collate all certification of compliance for completion in conjunction with the Builder and receive these as formal submissions at agreed intervals and dates
    On termination or relinquishment of this appointment make available to the Building Owner all certification prepared and inspection reports carried out
    Maintain records of inspection
    Provide and sign the Certificate of Compliance for the Undertaking and Completion